Rapist in the sheets and Shitter in the streets

70  2019-06-18 by George_W_Kush_911


Someone on the old sub described him perfectly: he looks like someone took a human turd and rolled it around the floor of a barber shop.

Images you can smell

Curry, shit and B.O.

Aziz is looking preety old now that he got metood

Five of them came into the club at the same time last weekend and My fucking eyes teared up from the stench.

They are the fucking worst. Theyโ€™re cheaper then Jews, drive worst than the Chinese and are the ones that are taking the jobs most Americans want because they work significantly cheaper than American citizens do. Most of these assholes take advantage of chain migration and out of most immigration groups they assimilate the least. Then first gen assholes like Hari attach themselves to the SJW movement even so they can belong to something even though out of almost all minority groups they are typically the most successful.

They are also the highest earning ethnic minority in the United States

They also shit on more streets than any and all other races combined.

Iโ€™m just pointing out the underlying psychological resentment and jealousy behind why paneers bread employees like the ones on this subreddit spazz out with posts like these

I understand. I work in an intellectual field full of Indians, Chinese and Americans and I've seen it all. American Indians tend to be very intelligent, focused, well mannered and all around awesome people. The most beautiful Indian women are among the most beautiful women in the world. However, Indians fresh off the boat are a very mixed bag. Some incredible intellectuals mixed with some uncivilized savages that rarely bathe, smell like BO all the time, are incompetent to the point of bordering on dangerous to be around, can't speak English for shit, do terrible work everyone else has to fix, thick accent, refusal to assimilate even the slightest (eat with your mouths closed you god damn animals), etc etc. I've had to write emails and do their person to person contact because they're incapable, I've had to teach Indians in higher positions how to do their own job, I've had to redo their work, I've been accidentally physically harmed by their incompetence multiple times (we handle some dangerous stuff at work), etc.

Point being I can empathize with American Indians and the qualified off the boat Indians for all the terrible hate and stereotypes they have to endure...all while also believing the terrible Indians off the boat deserve all the hate they get. These stereotypes are hurtful to those they don't apply to, but they apply to roughly half of the off the boat Indians, and those half deserve all of the shit they get and more. Some of the hate is jealously as you say, but you should know some is rooted in truth that some of us see daily.

Sandeep Derosa

There was a recent story of a man in Delhi who tried to pay people to go to the toilett instead of soiling the streets.
He got clubbed to death.

Wow, LOVING that diversity! ๐Ÿ‘ŒโœŒ๐Ÿ’•