Reminder: Joe claimed he didn't care about Google search results for his name

13  2019-06-18 by bovinebrain


Are we absolutely sure this is joe, and not one of us doing a false flag? Its just so unfuckingfathomably idiotic thing to do, going up against kiwi farms. I cant believe even joe is dumb enough to do that.

The second reply is for sure Cumia. Some veiled “oh you wanna play, let’s play!” is 100% the attitude he’d cop. Then his little jab thinking he found one of the guy’s relatives.

Plus, the DMCA request was filled out correctly, something the hundreds of people on the other subs couldn’t figure out how to reply to, which is a less detailed process.

Based on his initial DMCA notice to Kiwi Farms, Joe seemed to have no clue what the site was for. Probably thought Wackbag changed it's name. His thread has been on there for months now with not a moo from him about it. Somebody recently posted a screencap here of the images in the Google search of his name with the 3rd and 8th being from Kiwi Farms and a day or two later comes that DMCA. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

I desperately want that aspergers support group to fuck his life up in ways we amateurs couldn't conceive

Turns out he's a liar and a moron.