
80  2019-06-17 by suirogerg


The new Ron and Fez. Fez is still a faggot and Ron is a kike-nog. Yay diversity.

You think Sam Roberts is anywhere close to Ron Bennington? The fuck outta here.

No. It’s the niggering and faggoting of entertainment as it were.


Yet again another picture where Jim is "wacky" and Sam is "ohhhh boy what am I gonna do with this guy? what have i gotten myself into! look at what I have to deal with!"

they make me feel violent

Please act on it

good dudes, solid radio

Sam's got the perfect head for a trepanning.

I'd go at his cro-mag skull with a drill.

I genuinely enjoy David & Bobo more than these hacks



Faggots with awful mediocre middle of the road opinions on everything. Only wrestling fans listen to jim and sam

They look like a current day photo of some minor 90s alt rock band. The only difference is, those guys all look like shit because they did heroin.

They weren't shoved in enough lockers during school

Sams skin it turning grey. Tendies taking their toll.

Which one will get a bunch of plastic surgery first and become the Scott Shannon with Easter Island head of this wacky morning duo?

Sam’s already got the head.

What the fuck is that crease on sams skull? I’ve never seen anything like that before in a human being