Anthony Cumia: Man of God

10  2019-06-17 by SibHashian13


Hahaha holy shit there is breakthrough in his name 🙌

Im suprised he doesn't ignite at the sight of that tacky necklace

Man of Godless

What is the origin of this photo?

I think it was a Halloween party

Do you know who/what he was dressed as? I'm trying to make sense of the ungodly monstrosity occupying the space where a normal person's hair should be.

I think he was the “my pillow” guy

granny's? Pillow man is a holy roller born again.

A seance gone wrong

Is that Liberace?

Liberace hid his homosexual nature better than Ant.

Honestly surprised he didn't burst into flames on the spot.

Soy sauce hair

I understand that he's about 60 years old but he's ageing way too rapidly. He looks like a certified geriatric now. This is what happens when your diet is consumed by alcohol, drugs and a shit diet.

Reverend Loveboy