“I’d go as low as 13”

134  2019-06-16 by SibHashian13


He's "on" it. Ugliest man alive who has to buy 13 year olds electronics to hang out with him trying to act like some ladies man.

Good to see you spreading the hate to different people. Jim doesn’t get enough hate but others like AntH need it too.

Belle is hot as shit, and she has a woman's body.

Oh look, another dirty porn whore who sucks dick for money.

I bet she would make an engaging radio interview, they always do!

Audible laugh

So this is what AntH looks like without plugs

he should be put to sleep


CPM...cheese pizza media

Fuck he's ugly.

I feel like what wanted to say was “as high as 13”

“About 9” was definitely a test run he could play off as a joke if need be.

I feel like he may be a little too old to pork a 13 year old.... thoughts? Comments?

Antoine McCumian

Anthony Sandusky

Well done

The years have NOT been kind to Captain Picard

But you're forgetting the important part. They have to be the right kind of 13

Corrado Soprano looks awful.

Nana Ehrmantraut

cutie :)

He said he'd fuck a 3 year old if it had tits like the catch me outside girl. Who is 15 at most.

Someone posts this to his twitter

Hambubger from TCAP?

Only the right kind of 13

Oh like all of you wouldnt? Be honest!