It is a day to celebrate our Fathers! Most importantly, the one true Father! Please, for this very special Sunday service.. Share with us all a favourite story about a time our Holy Father lent you guidance or assistance in your life! 🥰

12  2019-06-16 by timallenonacid


Bruh why dat nigga dat close to J-Dawgs junk

Stop Sir Sodomy ✋ I know of your grotesque urges and prolific habit of succumbing to the Devil’s egging but we have no need for sinful sodomite fantasies in this sub.

Please, say your appropriate number of Hail Mary’s and come back to the side of our Lord immediately

Ov Veyoooooo!!!!

Jesus came and tried to help out my ancestors, but we thought he was an obnoxious cunt so we gave him to Pontius Pilate. Good times.

He knew it was in your ancestors nature.

Looks like we got ourselves a... you

Damn. That dude loves Jesus.

we all do

Not you heathen... I bet you can smell me from here