Remember that time we convinced The Dutch that Antwan Kumiya was the Nice terrorist?

58  2019-06-16 by MrFeedYoNana


And it says he's a gypsy lol

That’s what killed me. I don’t I’ve had a laugh like that in a while.

I don't I've had one either. I like to think Kiwi Farms would be impressed with how much we have done with so little.


I still consider that to be the greatest thing this sub has ever done.

Hands down. It was hilarious watching it play out that morning.

This and the African Dancing Funeral/Ant's Reaction to it always make me giggle like a retard

Nah the peoples court stuff was. This was good bringing joy from 50+ dead but the peoples court stuff was just the most insane spin off from this place

Romanian, genius

As opposed to the Mean terrorist?

What was that dude? Your internet crapped out.

I love the part where it zooms in menacingly

only disappointment was the Romanian announcer didn't say "ANTWAN KUMIYYA" in the middle of his gibberish

This niggas ribs were on fire that morning

Dutch? That’s Romanian