Anthony is following OJ. This is gonna be good.

49  2019-06-15 by redditsipowillsuck


Everything joe has is down to OJ. More than his father or brother OJ has raises him

Anthony's a fucking choir boy compared to the Juice.

OJ decapitated his ex-wife and her lover and got away with it. Anthony paid his ex-wife for 10 years and then bit a stupid girl who later had him arrested.

Only half of this statement is true.

Get out of here Joe!

Has OJ ever attempted to groom children tho?

Yes but OJ won the Heisman Trophy

OJ killed a cheater and a jew. Problem?

OJ is a real ass dude. He ain’t no Cumia

I wonder if OJ has seen the lectic shock oj video. If not, I hope nobody sends it to him. I don't think M has even seen it.

OJ is another symptom of AntH’s age btw. That was nearly 30 years ago.

You always remember what happens in your early 50s.

The chase was literally less than 25 years ago.

Oh well that makes all the difference. Faggot.

So who's gonna be the first person to Tweet this to the both of them:

Danny, goddamn it, that's a brilliant idea.

CC: naacp

Where's M?

He also follows the Clintons and the Obamas because he's #progressive

Well Ant does have experience with the law. Just like them.

Holy shit, Ant, let it go. Both the OJ incident and your shitty parody were decades ago. No one cares about him anymore. Find a new joke.

Considering we're all here talking about this obscure arab, I don't think you have a point.

Pathetic as I may be, at least I'm above Anthony. Ant isn't above OJ.

This is his escape out obscurity...not.

Cut from the same cotton cloth.

It really would be fitting if OJ got Ant's Twitter permanently suspended. With help from M.

Is OJ aware of blackface Anthony mocking him form 20 years ago?