Remember when Joe kept using ‘starve nana’ as an attempt to beat the redditards

103  2019-06-15 by DumbCowJoe

What an unfathomably dumb cunt


He really doesn't care about Anth's happiness at all, handing off his sloppy seconds was the nicest thing he's ever done... besides producing the entirety of Electric Shock OJ

He actively resents Ant which is why he came here to bash him before he gave himself away on Twitter.

Isn’t that right u/doxxer100

Notice your very quiet lately cow eyes. What happened to all your cockiness and celebrating?

Dumb nigger thought he was Sam Phillips producing Elvis in the summer of 54.

So if Otis Redding wrote the music, and Anthony wrote the lyrics, then what exactly did Joe produce?

He produced a a permanent welfare recipient in himself.

I'd reckon that Joe is the primary recipient of whatever remains of Ant's estate. Probably just his McMansion. I wouldn't be surprised at all to find out Ant's decrepit state was a result of Joe poisoning him to get the rest of his gibs.

i mean who else would it be, a children's hospital? ant has no family friends or sense of morality so yeah 76 year old senile joe will be tweeting about reddit libtards in a progressively more rundown "compound west"

I could also see him promising it to a 50 year old man posing as a 12 year old girl online.

You're right, didn't think of that hahahaha

I believe his estate will be divided equally to all those between 8-80.

What are you talking about? Ant helps everyone ages 8 to 80.



gibs me dat! Giiiibs me dat!

As safer as the children of the world would be if Anthony stent gave out, a Grey Gardens ending for Nana and Joe would be really great, too.

hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on... I have the original text from his banned account:

"I’ll lurk from time to time, but no more interaction with you.

“Starve Nana”. You didn’t understand why I coined that phrase, but upon my departure, I’ll explain:

YOU ARE ALL NANA. Like Negan’s loyal followers on the shittiest of the Walking Dead seasons, this entire sub, and anyone who takes part in it, ARE indeed creations of and made up of the conceptual “NANA”.

The ideology behind “Feed Nana” in its purest form means to give this sub life and meaning through antagonism, harassment, and otherwise behavior that could be interpreted as highly annoying when that harassment is targeted.

It perpetuates keeping the sub nourished with the attention it requires to continue breathing. You’ll no longer have any of that attention. Conversely “Starve Nana” means to “Kill it”.

Upon my departure, NO GENUINE MEMBERS of the O&A experience (myself being one of the most peripheral, perhaps most despised and easily mocked and arguably least identifiable of the entire crew that you named your sub after) will ever be seen nor heard from on this sub again.

Zero. It’s all you now, a STARVING NANA. Self imposed solitary confinement. No one to fuck with, no listeners, no viewers, you’re in hospice care now. The end is near. You’re no longer eating, drinking, sleeping, barely breathing... soon, no more Nana...

Babble? You may like to think it is, but in reality, you’re done. Good bye! JC."

lol what a fucking tard

that was his third or fourth "i'm leaving reddit forever" post

What a fucking douchebag joey is. "O&A experience (myself being one of)"
Joe you fucking idiot no one in O&A experience likes you they just mocked you for being the big idiot you are even your little brother who you leech off of. You think if they liked you joey how come Opie didnt pick you up and just picked up tranth? You could have been the 3rd mic before wrom nortin. NO joe. You are a brain dead idiot that no one likes not even your own family. You are the idiot joe just like how you looked on the peoples court a stuttering big dumb idiot.


A psychiatrist would have a fucking field day with this, it’s pure gold.

Upon my departure, NO GENUINE MEMBERS of the O&A experience (myself being one of the most peripheral, perhaps most despised and easily mocked and arguably least identifiable of the entire crew....

He gets so close to self-awareness there.

Not a bad idea but as always, horribly conceived and written by an imaginative but talentless oaf convinced of his own meritless mettle.

Much like his music, I guess, "career".

The ideology behind “Feed Nana”...

It's literally about the transsexual prosititute Ant hired cumming in his mouth. He also looks like a Middle Eastern grandmother. "Starve Nana" = Stop trans girls from finishing in my brothers mouth, Joe.

Don't give nana any more cum, she's had too much

What was no more boom boom what the fuck was that

‘Remember when’ is the lowest form of conversation

Wasn’t his finest moment