Reminder: Erik "ERock" Nagel is the only person left out of the O&A staff that is not completely reprehensible

1  2019-06-13 by yamuddahscuntthen

Ant-POS pedo domestic abuser
Gregg- autistic narcissist

Jim- Disloyal closeted worm

Sam- Halfbreed mongrel sociopath

Danny- (((Daniel Ben Dovid)))

Travis- ball kicking girl, disneyfag

Troy- Douchey hipster dj (also alledged murderer)

Roland- Morbidly Obese Mexican with a rich boy complex

Erock may still be a heavyset fellow, but he's genuinely good boy


He does have big fat bitch tits that are begging to be titty fucked though

I disagree, he works for ant.

ant owes him because ant is the one who caused the o&a show to come to an end... money is money.

He isn't paid money for his work, his remuneration takes the form of margarine

Pop Dolls don’t pay for themselves.

alleged my ass. troy committed the perfect crime AND got his Zip rental back in time.

Denny is also a good egg.

I forgot about Erock until I read this

Intern David?

Are you out of your fucking mind, OP? He literally thinks season 8 of The Simpsons is better than season 7. Guy's out of his mind.

I think you are forgetting how much of an entitled douche Erock is.

Yeah he is a fat toy-playing with twitter blocking hunk of faggot. And getting fatter by the day. Also he’s a fat fuck of a man child. So, in closing, fuck piggy boy, taker of Tunisian child-rape money.

Remember when E-Rock accidentally outed AntH getting very drunk and openly hitting on young teenagers in Vegas?

Nagel works for a man who he KNOWS is a child groomer. He’s also a fatass drunk who can’t get a job anywhere else, so kisses Nana’s old ass.

Fuck Nagel. He looks miserable, and that makes me very happy.

I want to give him a tittie twister despite him being over 40

No, not my Daniel. You see, he’s my eldest son. I love him so. He’s my first-born. His Hebrew name is Daniel Ben Dovid.