LOOK, this is my favorite picture. Watch him dance in his father's piss.

97  2019-06-13 by unknowkid96


Hydrate Nana.

Because nana is already feed for the day.

It's "fed" you fucking mongoloid

No way he was already fed, near impossible to pee with a boner still.

The urine seems awfully compressed in your copy.

Idk as long as Anthony is dancing in the shower with daddy.

He was already 57 even back then

This work of art really captures his "prancing faggotishness."

The only thing that could make this better is if he was wearing mommies shoes.

Are you enjoying reddit?

He’s so happy

Theres something Michaelangelo-ian about this incredibly deep, sophisticated and intellectual piece. I imagine the artist must be in negotiations to tour this at all the top expos from L.A to NYC to London, Paris & Rome. I'll be at the NYC showing you can bet your bottom dollar on that.

I really want this as poster in my living room

No way joe snr has a stand up shower that was fully tiled.