Not a faggot.

35  2019-06-12 by GKChestbrahson


Nice shirt, stupid.

An enemy of Buzz, is an ally of mine.

Who's Buzz?

He's a real asshole. Has alot of cool fireworks though.

Hey, Turbo-tommy, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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Turbo Tommy still has no time for spellcheck. Fuck you.


Stole all the cheese pizza. Asshole.

cheese pizza


Yeah that's kind of an odd coincidence.

My cousins a friend of Buzz’s. Lives in the Upper West Side now.

Still acts: He was in the episode of Louie, where he played the driver that took Louie to his club gigs. He was the one that Louie made cry, because he didn’t want to talk to him, while dressing him down.

He was also in Blue Ruin, which was pretty good

Here's him interviewing the RLM guys.

I don’t hate the guy. He seems nice enough. But I just couldn’t sit through that interview. He sounds like an autistic coke addict on the verge of a panic attack the whole time. Listening to him talk made me uneasy.

If you had to spend multiple weekends at the Neverland ranch you would be to.

I liked how the following year he threw bricks at Joe’s stupid head from a four story building

He seems like an alright guy. The quirky, ironic hipster vibe he gives off can be a bit much at times, but he's had an interesting life and he's cool with the RLM guys so he's ok.

I remember when the Cumia brothers broke into his house one Christmas and tried to molest him, but he ended up beating the shit out of them.

Drank the Jesus Juice, had his bunghole licked by Jacko, lied in court for hush money. His girlfriend's super sexy though.

Real ass dude.

This one always confused me. Jacko fucking a kid with power and fame that almost rivaled his own was really playing with house money.

I'm undecided. He's always wearing red nail polish.


He's fucking annoying on Red Letter Media.

He laughs too much

This is only an issue if it's taking away opportunities for Rich Evans to be laughing.

Him playing old games based on his films on AVGN's show was pretty neato.

I always figured if you got into a diss fight with him and he started to win, you could just say, “you got banged by MJ.” and turn the tides in your favor.

I got nothing against the guy though.

Knowing him, he'd probably throw it back in your face with something like "Yeah? And his cum tasted like vanilla, whats your point?"

I should have known better than to get into hypothetical diss fights with MC.

I happen to think he's surprisingly cool despite the aforementioned spastic vocal delivery.

satanic cum slurper. fuck off.

He penetrated Mila Kunis. Much respect.