Hard pill to swallow: This Thing of Ours lost its way once it became consumed with unbridled PST hate

121  2019-06-11 by ManbadFerrara

It's impossible to verify by this point, but last September I was the first one who posted an article denouncing Norm for defending Roseanne and Louis. This, of course, led to the discovery of that doughy cuck. I'm a self-important ass for thinking this way, but I can't help but in some way feel like I tipped over the first domino in the old sub's demise by doing so. In the name of cosmic atonement, a few observations:

Recall folks, as recently as less than a year ago r/opieandanthony was quite literally influential.

  • Jim Norton was forced to address the $60,000 bilking of his fans.
  • Multiple Anthony Cumia twitter accounts were cast into obscurity.
  • Anitfa was manipulated into protesting his debacle of a book-signing -- which was already completely undermined due to said Twitter bans.
  • His idiot brother was goaded into making an ass of himself on a nationally syndicated TV show.
  • O&J guests confronted them directly on the air about the cakestomp incident, after seeing tweets originating from here.
  • Perhaps most infamously, Amy Schumer's joke thievery was first revealed here, and spread to the point that it's permanently affected her reputation. Goddamnit, Netflix was forced to change its fucking rating system because of us.

And after reaching these glorious heights, the hill we've died on is......Patrick Tomlinson? Some no-name faggot amateur sci-fi author from Milwaukee, completely unrelated to the O&Averse, with less of a public profile than Dave Landau?

Face it gang, r/opieandanthony should have declared 'Mission Accomplished' on that bloated little nothing once it got his Twitter Permanently Suspended™. It was by far the biggest platform that rapidly-aging millennial will ever achieved in his life, and we snatched it away from him with minimal effort.

Yet, as autists are wont to do, we couldn't leave it alone. SpaceEdge is a low-IQ junkie slob who deserved every piece of shit thrown his way. But in the end he was right -- and this is no vindication of him whatsoever -- he was right. Albeit for the wrong, self-serving reason.

And in the end, you know who's benefitted the most from all this bullshit? Sam Roberts.

That's right; at least at this point in time, Sam Roberts has won, and we've let him.

Just imagine if all that energy put into fucking with Pat over the last six months was devoted to that malformed, giggling, sociopathic manchild. Could he have been demoted from his WWE gig? Humiliated on the radio by callers, and/or guests made privy to his abusive behavior? Divorced by his wife? How closer would that dolphin-voiced weasel be to his demise by now if we'd kept our eye on the prize?
This is in no way a defense of Fatrick, but ultimately he was low-hanging fruit. Sam's head is the one that should be on that mantle.
Sure, it's harder to directly get to him than a loser like Patrick. But ask yourselves: when times were tough, did the Prophet Mel -- peace be upon him -- go after the low-hanging fruit? Fuck no. He kept him chin up, powered through the malarkey, and stayed a goddamn man; not bitch about Jews and being kicked off Hangover 2 for the rest of his life. Lord, forgive us for how far we've strayed from the path you've shown us, falling victim to the forces of faggotry.

But even now, in this denigrated state we find ourselves in, it's not too late.

Anyhow, just wanted to put that out there. You may now all call me a faggot for writing such a long post while I continue to kill myself with alcohol and kratom. But it needed to be said.
Get mad, you son of a bitches! Get mad!


Patrick Tomlinson posts are now the modern equivalence of bad Chip jokes.

He’s undeniably such a fucking faggot that it’s hard not to make fun of him.

tsssss, wussat?

Wait, wait, why not fat pecka?!

seriously that shit got old so fucking fast


Nice novel, faggot

I got lost.

I'm telling ManbadFerrara to go back to the way he used to be.

He was one of the best fucking posters there was.

Guess I forgot to laugh

Guess I forgot to upvote chomp

And what way was that, u/ManbadFerrara ?

Norm Macdonald's fault

Shut your mouth

It's fucking true. I don't like it, but it's fact.

Sir, this is a McDonald's.

Yeah well, I kind of agree. However, Fatrick was a very very VERY fun target. He responded to everything. He never EVER took the highroad and we ruined his life.

I don't think people went after him because he was a fat noname faggot that wrote awful sci-fi and did "standup comedy". He was a product of our times. He's the embodiment of everything we hated and he took the bait and he took the bait again and again and again. The way he talked. The "child" thing. It was pretty fucking hilarious.

The reason Sam has always escaped, is because he NEVER responds to any of it. He's a retarded little faggot, but he's smart enough to understand what a kid would understand. Someone who's been bullied during recess more than once, understands that if you just don't give them any reaction it will most likely go away. Sure, we post a "Pathetic Faggot" post about him atleast twice per day, but he doesn't respond or react to it in any way. He just keeps collecting his WWE Dolls and Moonboots, not giving a fuck, trying to ride it out.

I think we should definitely step it up and get him fired from his WWE gig though and I do think it's possible with enough pressure at their sponsors. That's who we should target. Not WWE directly, they don't give a fuck. Make their sponsors question WWE about this character that bullied people on air for years and years.

I concur with stepping up the Sam hate. That fuck thinks he’s a first mic tough guy and that’s just wrong.

Yeah don't get me wrong, I was all in with the Patrick hate too. You're totally right about him representing all that's fucking gay in the world now, and his complete inability to not take the bait. But by the same token, it really did get to the point where we couldn't stop responding either. Without any sort of endgame in mind, we just became locked in an endless stalemate with him. As Nietzsche said, "when you gaze long enough into the abyss, the abyss spergs out and spam's Reddit with dmca notices and gets your sub shut down."

But really, the Patrick stuff isn't even fun anymore imo. The website is like 90% posts about him, and it's just kinda depressing by this point.

I love when us delusional faggots have these proper breakdown dialogues of what the fuck our purpose really is.

It’s almost like some sort of horseshit existentialism that I can get behind, fuck voting and ‘fighting’ for a better tomorrow. That’s the calling of a true sissy. This is where it’s at.

Deciding whether or not Fagtrick is worth our time should’ve been a discussion 2 subs ago.

These are harsh truths, but I don't disagree. Faggot.

I salute you.


How dare you? I’m a veteran, I was a Navy SEAL!

Let's invade /r/squaredcircle Like some Monday Night Wars shit

i posted a bunch of emails to WWE staff/'fan relations' and a boilerplate copy/paste message. thread got like 20 votes and went nowhere.

isolating some clips from the Pat Duffy interview would give the best red meat, especially the part about him convincing Pat not to go to a friend's wedding

OP and your post gets the full circle of this whole thing. not much to add.

WWE just had to "fine" a guy $100k for comments he posted on a forum that a sponsor found out about. We could very easily get Sam removed with any of a dozen clips of him from the old show.

This should be the next task.

Someone who's been bullied during recess more than once, understands that if you just don't give them any reaction it will most likely go away.

Not true this kid used to piss on me

WWE (or whatever the fuck that gay shit is called) basically erased a person who really brought wrestling back to main stream. Sam literally harassed and teased a retarded person and brought him to tears on multiple occasions.

"WWE is committed to leveraging the power of its brand and platforms to help address important social issues worldwide including diversity and inclusion, education, military support and providing hope to those in need. Through partnerships with Special Olympics, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Ad Council, GLAAD, First Book, Susan G. Komen, Make-A-Wish, The V Foundation, Hire Heroes USA and USO Metro, WWE supports programs and initiatives that positively impact children and families around the world."

How hasn't any of what Sam did on the show been brought to their attention considering they are apparently in bed with the Special Olympics? Certainly they wouldn't want someone involved with their network calling a special needs person a retard.

You aren't responsible for Patrick.

The first post about him was by somebody who saw a post on the old sub about Norm getting hassled and pulled up a search on Twitter to see what people were actually saying and if it was truly people outraged or just six Vox writers stirring shit. Upon seeing a post by some nobody comedian saying Norm was never funny, that faggot screenshotted the tweet and posted it with the title "HOT TAKE" figuring @stealthygeek would get insulted for his bad comedy.

Some folks poked at him and found him to respond to everything in hilariously indignant fashion. Everybody forgot except for a few and like a month later somebody asked if anybody remembers this guy and a few folks said "Oh yeah, I've been fucking with him for weeks because he's so thin-skinned". Others caught on to the available loffs and here we are.

The HOT TAKE original faggot poster was me, like 5 alts ago. I nuked the account with the Firefox extension and the old sub is closed anyways so I can't prove it, which is why I never bring it up. Also, who wants credit for that fucking fat faggot and all this shit.

I honestly just screenshotted a douchebag on Twitter saying something stupid about Norm hoping people would call him a faggot for an hour and get some upvotes and it turned into all this.

Definitely don't believe me, but that's how all this shit happened.

Hi, TamaInoino!

I wanted to stop by and offer you a robot hug, and wish you the most excellent day ever!


This is my suicide note, but hey thanks.

Nice novel, faggot

Nobody's going to read all this or believe me, but I'll add that I've truly grown to hate that guy and the Worldcon pedophilia stuff and his whole fake victim persona and his endless lying about Nazis and basically his whole life.

So it's sort of been worth it to expose and shit on and destroy a guy like that. But it was completely by accident.

It was fate

/u/timallenonacid needs to reassure me that this is all part of God's divine plan to expose PST's wicked ways

Or kill himself

I drew lots of pictures of men shitting and pissing in his mouth and have no regrets, especially because he shared my art with all his followers - https://i.imgur.com/xW2mEHG.png

Never apologize for art.

As far as I'm concerned you're a hero.

The african skin tone on the penis really is a cherry on top

It's a very good likeness.

Forgot about these fine art pieces. Please post them somewhere.

Thank you for saying what needed to be said!

People got a taste of raiding/brigading like mongos did in Jocktober. It gave them a high no hug from Mom could ever achieve, and because of this the pure autism of /r/opieandanthony was gone forever.

Keep it 100 that subreddit was the best website from 2014-2019.

It was pretty good before Anthony got fired, but holy shit did it become mega autistic afterward. Long live the mongs.

Speak for yourself. A warm embrace from my saint of a mother tops anything this sub has ever produced...except maybe a few of those cameos.

Hell yea mean, I fuck my mom too.

its was awful before and after anthony got fired, chipson jokes and jirn morton car dealership everyday on repeat? teffe dwag bark bark? no thanks, good thing r ona evolved, documentaries days are the best

What do you mean by after? We're technically there now.

For me, this place reminds me of /b/ a lot. It has its positives and negatives, but everyone hates the past despite liking it at one point.

E.g. people used to hate Opie love Ant, now it's the opposite and people dislike the former disposition.

the OnJ time with all the Ang love, walking on gregshell days which is essentially just a old pedo bitched and moan about his old co worker for hours on end, its during that time jirn morton decided he got to take advantage of the retarded ona fan base


even worse was the Jam love time, it was just retarded teff dawg posts and jokes, gayest period ever


and thank god now we evolved past all that

I don't care much for the PST stuff but everyone else just kind of settled into their boring shitty shows and podcasts. Ant is deep in obscurity and I don't think he will ever do something like that book signing again. No one is subscribed to his network - he could be talking about raping babies every day on that show and no one would know.

The stuff that could be used to still damage any of these people is pretty weak. Jim rubbed his dick on someone but literally no one knows who Jim is. The "show we can't talk about" is probably pretty awful, but does anyone have any proof that this happened? I believe it did, but as far as I can tell it's just people on here claiming they heard something about it.

As far as Sam, what is there? He treated people like shit on a radio show where everyone treated everyone like shit. I agree he's a terrible person, but there's really no one awful thing you can point to with him, and no one is going to listen to hours of O&A to figure it out.

Amy's reputation is ruined, you can see extreme sorrow and fear in Ant's eyes at all times, and Jim is going to die depressed and alone and he knows it. It's tough to find a legitimate target to motivate everyone.

Jim rubbed his dick on someone but literally no one knows who Jim is.

The faggots here need to stop using that as an excuse. Sherrod is less known than Jim Norton by a huge margin, and he's been sent into obscurity for metoo nonsense, being harassed by real feminists in real life and online.

The difference is Sherrod had actual women come forward to MeToo him. With Jimmy, it’s just us anonymous nobodies on the internet. Jim Norton’s degeneracy won’t gain any traction without one of his victims coming forward.

Sam has a deflated piss balloon

You don't see Patrick posts on the sub because they're NOT THERE!

we stopped talking about that patrick guy

PST = pacific standard time in my world.

Too many dark actor posters at the end of the day, whether pro opie paid posters, discord organizers, bot fags, agencies and just plain old trolls.

Then on top of that the overwhelming majority of posters with sheep mentality.

It survived as long as it did by being on the downlow and keeping in house.

I dont see a way to fix any of that on reddit. Glorified bathroom wall scribbles, sorry. Is what it is.

paid posters? agencies as in fbi and cia? you are so fucking retarded

What are your thoughts on the 'paddock bot' floating around.

Thats retarded. But fuck do i know right. Moo

To harvest the data and steal peoples ideas .

Nice realization, stupid.

Nice "original" post, stupid.

Nice short novel, stupid.

We're coming back. There is just a drought of fun things we can get behind right now. If anything we've done our job too well.

Anthony had at most, a couple of days of celebration before he clammed up like a pussy, scared that his Twitter would get snatched.

The 2014 - 2017 Cumia would've been nuts trying to be a tough guy.

Joe celebrated for a few days longer, then those gigs went away. And now he's shut his moo hole.

Jim and Sam won't engage. Their show has turned into a soft, boring, morning zoo. They are done.

We are victims of our own success.

And r/OpieandAnthonyxyz wept, for there were no more targets to troll.

Nice knowledge of the classics, stupid.

And that's what most outsiders will never understand, we are the real victims in all of this

Well said!!

Get back in formation, fair weather faggot.

British faggots ruined the sub

We’re still hilarious

Why does this seem like it was written by the Puerto Rican Rattlesnake?

I want Opie hate to make a comeback

Unlikely to happen while the Opster's droppin hammers on the naysayers all day long.


This a 1000x over.

[Ever see anything like this on reddit?[(http://imgur.com/a/VXaJeFz)

Taken from a messenger convo i had with a buddy about Reddit. It seemed like an omen to me.

i didnt read any of that, pal, but im glad someone finally admits that pulitzer pat and war hero joe won.

didnt that feel good, pal? know what im sayin, folks? also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

Leave it alone.

Leave it alone!

I always felt like we were 'saving' Sam for when he finally did something heinous and opened the floodgates on himself. Same with Norton. I felt it looming in the distance , becoming Cumia level hatred. I sensed the Cumia hate too as it was starting after he got fired. The Opie hate was always there and at first I neglected it.

i hate sam roberts too..

Reddit just isn't a safe place anymore

Fatrick deserves all the hate, we take no prisoners

Goddamnit, Netflix was forced to change its fucking rating system because of us.

People who really believe this should have acid thrown on their face and genitals like an out of line muslim woman.

I’m not reading that pile of shit

Nice theory but wrong.

This is what happens when you don't give me gold.

Why the fuck do you think I've been askin for it? It was the only way to safeguard the original sub.

Now look what's happened.

Shut up stupid

there was some grad student or postdoc researcher who was looking for source material to train AI and he scraped our subreddit as a prime example.

there was a hilarious article about antisemitism commenting on i think Moshe Kasher's CC show that directly quoted people here

also fuck the Sam Roberts angle. the only thing the sub did to hurt sam was.. create porsalin. And those docs are still up on youtube. If anything the sub was OK with shoving him off. the failure to go after Sam (except for the porsalin dig thread on him and creating an outlet for Pat Duffy and CPJones, admittedly good) for anything but lame tendies jokes was pathetic. no one could get an email campaign, there was enough there with the porsalin interviews that people could have taken clips out and sent them to his coworkers/various bosses to have a CakeStomp effect, and there were some thread attempts to do it, yet no one did.

> His idiot brother was goaded into making an ass of himself on a nationally syndicated TV show.

That's the only one of your bullet points that is completely true without the taint of impurities.

That patrick shit was fucking stupid and boring. Faggots probably from MDE turned/harnessed our sub into a SJW brigade dedicated to dogpiling some obese nobody for the crime of committing a wrongthink. I'm glad the community got raped over and over, that bullshit deserved to be punished. If we ever get anything worth a damn going again I hope we can keep it about the o&a universe, instead of constantly shrieking about what randoms say on twitter. Even if they talk shit about somebody worth liking. Norm can take care of himself. Not well enough to avoid alcoholism or cancer, but enough that he doesn't need a cadre of fat homosexuals defending him.

MDE and Cringe Anarchy does tend to try and co-opt out good times and laughter to recruit us as footsoldiers in "the CULTURE WAR!", yeah, but Fat Pat deserved everything he got.

Don't see why we can't hate these radio geeks and the fat pedophile faggot himself.

You guys act like Pat hate is irrational. Not only is he truly lamentable but he keeps kicking the hornets' nest.

It also became personal after the DMCAs.

This has all been worth it for the footage of spaceedge stealing that vape.

From the jump i didnt understand the obsession with Patrick, i spent less time on the sub when it was just flooded with posts about him.

Fucking assholes here ruined a good thing permanently.

I got used to the Joe Cumia hate after a bit but the excessive Patrick shit was extremely uncalled for.

Sam Roberts is an untalented faggot. He deserves to be fucked with.
