Dorothy Zbornak

38  2019-06-11 by Christopher_Barton


This looks like the gayest Broadway show ever. What a bunch of queens. Anthony's nose is starting to resemble Bill Cosby's.

He's a pair of glasses away from being Humpty Hump.

How is that pronounced?

With an “Umpty”.

"Tada! And that was the disappearing vibrating egg trick ladies and gentlemen."

Bea Arthur was FAR more handsome than this hack

This the meat truck guy? I have no idea who anyone in this picture is except Louie Armstrong.

Man, Kathy Bates dropped some weight.

Tilda Swinton?

Where’s Tubbs?

He looks like Michael Barrymore. Unfortunately he wasn't found in his pool.


Fucking douche prick... talked to levy quite often since we are both Marines... all of a sudden I get Anth coming at me and levy just blocks me like a bitch.

Poor ARTIE.....

In this pic he looks more like character actress Sandy Martin, best known as Mac's mom:

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

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Levy with his sport jacket straight from Goodwill. Looks like those firehouse banquet hall gigs arent paying so well.


Imagine being a middling road comic in your 60’s

Just about every comic, who came up with Bob, has had some form of success. Suicide must be a recurring thought throughout his day.

Poor Bob.