I love how Colin’s wife is a producer for both Late shows on NBC and Jim has never been on either

85  2019-06-11 by JMueller2012

Fuck you, Jim


Why would he be? He’s not very funny...or popular.

At least Jim was invited to the wedding. Anthony wasn't, and Colin will never, ever be back on CP Media. That one time he was only doing a favor for Vinnie Brand's daughter, who Anthony was fucking.

I bet he'd already pestered people for celebrity photos before the bride even walked up the aisle

"hey.. jerry, right? oh man i'm a huge fan, i haven't seen seinfeld but i heard it's great man, so yeah dude do you mind if we get a picture? huh? no i'm a comedian too dude!"

Maybe it was Keith pestering him about doing touch crowd on the network. Luis Gomez talked about being in an elevator with Keith and Colin and Keith was doing a pathetic pitch and it was really uncomfortable.

They usually want celebrities on those shows.

but he's taken pictures with hundreds? surely he's one of them by now, right?

would you harass your wife to uncomfortably put pressure on her peers at her place of work for your unfunny friend to get a tiny bit of shine in the Hollywood limelight? He would end up embarrassing her and she would lose the respect her job demands... all for James Norton? Someone she probably only knows by reference?


Praise our Lord

Colin's wife really is giving Jimbo the mother-fucking of a lifetime. She would tell you if she weren't, honestly.

Jim who?

If you ask me, she's doing a public service. No one benefits from faggot Norton getting more exposure

I have a hunch that Jimmy's said... or worse, done... something to Col's wife. She's a kindly woman, so she doesn't object to Col hanging out with Jimmy; but he'll get fuck-all access to the TV shows she works on.

He probably uuufffended her

Fuck you, Jim


Quinn once called Norton a "pink-eyed rat." An accurate assessment if I've ever heard one.

Think she is friendly to Jim because of Norton, or does she not bother to hide her disgust.

try again, stupid.

let's be friends

ok <3