Real gangsta ass lispers don’t flex nuts / cuz real gangsta ass lispers know they got ‘em

18  2019-06-10 by suirogerg



Your girlfriend.


Danny I already destroyed you live on air and put you in a nut House

Nut house is my pet name for your whale-girlfriends mouth. I'll use it in a sentence since I know you have trouble with English as your native language.

I crammed my entire ballsack into Kyle's pet seamonster's nut house while I whispered "Moo for me, fatso" into her tagged ear.

Not to get off topic but you must be pretty flexible.

I don't think so. I just had to work this out IRL to make sure it's possible.

Get something to emulate the enormous head of Kyle's....whatever that is. Now, pretend like you're getting all those balls in there right? Now just kinda hunch down and to the side. I'm pretty sure it's possible. My back sorta hurt, but it's possible.

That's true. As long as you don't knee her in the chins this could work.

Nigga you rage quit when I asked you about Anthony fucking your girlfriend while you were upstairs on the couch pretending to sleep, I destroyed you

No, I rage quit after you treating me with disrespect after I agreed to come on. I'm supposed to care Ant dipped his dick into a dopehead? Oh no. To think. What could have been.

If you really want to know a story, ask him about the blonde from Florida he flew in for himself, only to have me bang her out not only in his house on a Sunday night, but I came by Monday after work to fuck her too. He was watching TV. Imagine being a millionaire in some huge house and this girl you flew in fucks ME instead.

And then the following weekend "Hey bro, what are you doing, come chill!"

lol, oh Kyle, how destroyed I am.

Jesus... why go on that?

Asking somebody a couple of provocative questions doesn’t mean you “destroyed them”

If he destroyed someone "live on air" but no one was listening, did he really destroy anything?

Only thing you destroyed are countless $17 Panasonic mics inside your hovel, you slobbering, disgusting cretin.

Shut up, nigger.

Lol Danny just shit all over you queerboy

you did kind sperg out during that interview Danny, lets be honest.

If we're being honest, I was about 8 beers deep and sick of this fucking guy already. I'd had enough.

Nice work uniform

They say clothes make the man. I never believed that until now.

Nice ceiling, stupid


You dress like a special edition basketball you faggot.

He never changes his outfit either, just like a basketball.

Short bus riding sponge on society

He sounds like a black Marion when he'e super fuckin drunk