I attempted to alert r/Milwaukee about the violent extremist in their city and gayness ensued.

0  2019-06-10 by MichaelDudikoff12

This one Hoosier faggot started going all autistic on me before deleting his queer rant. What is it about this fake tough guy cuck that makes Reddit slob his knob endlessly for? Same thing happened on r/SciFi.


Link, nigga

screen cap or why bother

Hi Joe

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/r/Milwaukee: /r/milwaukee where we talk about our love of beer, cheese, festivals, and more beer.

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I hope the ass pirate that founded you is eventually arrested for his crimes against children, child.

Thanks for bringing your drama here to help this sub get banned, you extremely gay faggot. Fuck off to the forum site. (u/cro-magnonsam, u/toss_pot)

dude, I'm learning. Help!