He might be a lispy mushmouth, but at least he gets hot chicks

34  2019-06-10 by OkaySeriouslyBro


Did that thing eat the hot chicks?

Beast of a billion backs.

Those two are the reason I'm against most public assistance.

Did he ever say he was on food stamps or is this speculation?

Well the two $0.50 Patreon donations a month are putting much else on the table.

After seeing their basement I just assumed.

I’m sure he’s capable of supporting that wildebeest with the money he generates on patreon.

Watch a vidoe on youtube called SaiyanZ Entertainment falls asleep on air, and all the details will be revealed

That's kyle's wife? Maybe i should be nice to him for the pancakes.

I've been gone a couple weeks, tell me if I got the story straight. It looks like Patso is a dead meme now (thank Christ) but Kyle is fagging up our subs spamming PST shit to try to get them shut down?


At the very least, Kyle submitted DMCA takedown notices to the sub, like Pat did. Sending DMCA notices to takedown the sub is a supreme level of cuntiness, so in retaliation, someone claiming they're Kyle shows up in the thread to threaten us to leave his youtube channel alone.

That someone then spams Patrick posts claiming he's a violent pedophile. All day yesterday, over and over and over and over again. Kyle's "revenge" for us targeting his youtube channel.

Until I make a thread telling Patrick hey, there's one guy doing all this shit, his name is Kyle, here's his youtube.

Almost immediately after that, Kyle gets on his saiyanZ account and claims "it wasn't me!" And makes a video again, "it wasn't me!" Never addressing the DMCA claims or us trying to get the sub shut down. Only that he isn't the one spamming Patrick posts, once he realized how fucked he might be if Patrick tracks him down with proof of this shit.

Is it Kyle? Or Joe? Or one of Joe's brethren? Or just some random cumtown fuck? The great thing about being such a lame little "I have a thousand alts!" poster is nobody knows for sure.

But we do know Kyle submitted DMCA takedowns. After 90% of the content on his youtube channel is directly stolen from the sub. So regardless of the Pat shit, we're trying to take his youtube and twitch away for good.

He needs to get a job and pay for Desiree's fucking laptop already

And wagon of cake

But don’t talk about her dead dad

Who cares if it's him or not? He should still take his hog and GTFO

Pat isnt a dead meme and Im not even sure its Kyle spamming the sub. But fuck him and his disgusting wife anyways. Also, were hoping to get a billboard above Hooligans (Pats favorite bar). Still alive and well.

She is grotesque

Nia Gurr in five years.

Apparently the wrong podcast has the name "Pancakes House".

Just imagine the horrific sight of this lisping idiot trying to climb atop this monstrosity in order to fuck it. If Anthony had any common sense, he'd do an expose on this, like Saiyanz does on him.

He’s got that pussy locked up

Patrice would've fucked her


Ugly on welfare food stamps wic etc. etc.