I'm a celebrity awwwright?!

3  2019-06-10 by TacolasCage


Bobo in Beantown!

The dumbass in Boston, Mass.

Narcissistic asshole

I love how this retard cried for Unmasked tickets and ended up falling asleep during it.

“Yes I will have Cumia Show stickers.”

Sleep peacefully, everyone. Tomorrow you will have an real, live, actual Anthony Cumia show sticker in your hand

I’d rather not run into this dolt in public , the desire to smack him right in the mouth is too great it will be an “ unfortunate mishap” ..

Could you imagine the look on his face if you extended your hand to shake his and punch him right in the mouth? That retard smile turning into a smashed retard face and his glasses are flying in the air.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile once. Would just go from dull, emotionless face to smashed dull, emotionless face.

Why would he be in Boston? How is this idiot paying for this?

I do moving and storage awwwright. I wurk fo my sisturs fathur

This guy’s fucking retarded.