Get this shit under control Toss Pot!

34  2019-06-09 by WhereTheShitComesOut

u/Toss__Pot add some more mods since you dont want to do anything about this obvious attempt to shut down another one of our subs.


at this point I’ll do it just to ban kyle’s accounts for the night. I can’t imagine he’d keep up with it for too long

He is very lazy.

leave it alone.

Yeah what the hell. This is very fixable

He should use the service elevator


3 out of 4 subs lost to mod drama no one wanted to hear and yet when you need one of the fuckers to actually step up and do something they are nowhere to be found.

nah. its gonna die anyway let it be what it is while its here

Bunker is not or a new subreddit, bunker is