
71  2019-06-09 by MacJInTheBay


There is nothing redeeming about them

The son looks like a starving african that you can help with just one dollar a month.

Kenyan witch doctor lookin ass

I love how he pretends his oldest son doesn’t exist.

Real ass dude

I didn't know he had one

Once upon a time Will Smith was actually a cool dude. What the fuck happened to him?

30 years of repressed homosexuality

He got old. Remember Bill Burr? It's over after 40

Mel was a king pre 40. After 40 he became a God.

He started hanging out with that idiot son of his.

If you look at his career and it all started falling apart at that exact same time.


His daughters got that Xani stare going

All this kind of shit belongs in a private, family photo album that nobody else needs to see or pretend to care about...The internet turned everyone into less famous versions of these cunts.

Just a family of complete mental patients

Are you gonna post that every time?

it's his closing bit, leave it alone.

I left out the part where I fuck the stool



Wouldn't that make her go to bed, though?

I bet those kids have complained about oppression and lack of opportunity in the past.

I'm sure they blame the failure of that awful sci-fi film they made on racism.

I fucking hate black.

How many times do you think Will Smith cheated on his wife?

With women? Never probably.

There have been gay rumors about him for over 20 years.

Nothing good comes out of Hollywood, it's a cesspool of degeneracy infested with by sociopathic predators and rudderless needy virtue signalling wingnuts like these assholes.

the daughter looks exactly like him. i bet anyone who fucks her can’t stay hard bc they keep thinking about the crash scene from independence day. she’ll be an even more annoying lgbt advocate soon enough

"Faggot" does not begin to fully convey how fucked in the head those kids are. Just try to read this pseudo-pretentious blathering. They've unquestionably been in an incestuous relationship for at least the last five years.

This little niglet Jaden Smith looking like "WITNESS ME!!!!" with a guitar shredding post apocalyptic mob, pointing sprinkly grey spraypaint at his teeth and shit.

That niggaaa Dre in dis bishhh u/bishwong u/sirjackiechiles

Wtf?!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

He talkin anout mad max???πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’ͺ🏿πŸ’ͺ🏿
