Ooof - worse than I thought

26  2019-06-09 by Cryptokunt


Patrick has more dignity when he begs for reviews

I've seen women in donkey shows that have more dignity

But everyone tells me I’m good. LA to Australia

It’s hilarious that once that cunt stepped out of Rogans protection, he found out how unfunny he is. Rogan surrounds himself with unfunny people and tells them they’re funny.

The people of Guam and Hawaii have a terrible sense of humor

who wrote this shit.? who is bendands partner? and what do you get 50%off of

If you tell others this piece of shit tastes good, we'll give you 50% off when you buy it!!!

His IMDb reviews are brutal

Just got a little worse, too.


I sure will leave the kind of review Brendan deserves.

r/standup which is usually REALLY supportive of almost anything even shit all over this guy. No mercy.

You'd be surprised shut up stupid. No I wouldn't. A tall, athletic former MMA fighter being bland as fuck and having nothing interesting to draw from his life for material isn't surprising at all.

Nothing changes the fact he sucks, but What does his height and athleticism have to do with anything? You jelly, insecure, or in love?

I already said what those 2 facts have to do with him being a shit comedian. Why don't you go back to r/SquaredCircle and talk about men piledriving each other some more, faggot?

One of the worst parts of all the worst parts was he never even addressed the Rogan dressing down, where he got the title from. At least try to make that shit funny. He did crack a joke about getting beat while Rousey was watching. He should start writing sci-fi.

“19 minutes of I was soooo high I ate soooo much fast foood. Sooooo high, I was high, b.”

Aww what happened? Couldn’t admit you got a man crush? It’s ok. Hey wrestling’s cool to me bc of the athleticism and charisma or lack thereof of the characters. You see how they correlate unlike mma and comedic stylings. If sue can be accepted so could you!

Haha I don’t think you read this right

Bryan Callen is 52 years old and is referred to as “The Kid”