Just want to do a quick poll: Does anyone here live off pity money from their younger brother?

40  2019-06-09 by DumbCowJoe

I'm sure nobody does. That would be incredibly embarrassing and pitiful.


No, infact i dont. Also im having sex with a woman 8 years my junior, as opposed to senior.

Is she a minor?

No, firmly in adulthood, unlike the normal prey of some peoples brothers

just got finished rushing my family's friend 19 year old cousin (i am 29) visiting town for a graduation back to her house shes staying in before anyone gets going. so i win.

You dog, you šŸ˜Ž

washing the sheets right now, she's a squirter

Usually people mean her pussy squirts not her neck artery but you still win i guess. Criminal.

I was doing a Joe cumia joke, Ted bundy

I guess I forgot to laugh

But is she a squirter šŸ˜Ž


I have heard that one of our high profile poster Joseph does, pretty pathetic if true

Well...I'm sure he's just a youngster trying to find his feet. I mean if he were a middle aged guy or something then it'd be unimaginably pathetic but I'm sure that's not the case.

Middle aged? Heā€™s 65


"Let me see your military papers which you promised."

Doing so would just feed into your insecurity and meaningless existence. Iā€™ve already won. šŸ˜Ž

I hate how accurate that was. He's the epitome of a turd.

Youā€™re telling me. I felt like a cow-eyed retard just typing it.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it pity money, but Iā€™m pretty sure Jay Schaub works as Brendan Schaubā€™s manager in some capacity and gets at least some income from him.

No. I make six figures all by myself.

Thats a lot of dicksucking

You don't know the half of it buster


I live in my grandma's basement but I make 6 figures playing online poker. She has dementia and I would never abandon a family member with that deadly disorder. Joe Cumia is a gay nigger.

I w wisb

it was a childhood pact, libtard

I in fact do not

In 2002 my brother graduated from college with an engineering degree. I knew of a firm that was hiring so I went there and talked to them and they said ā€œyeah thatā€™d be great if he appliedā€ and so I got him to apply there. Guess what? He got the job! It pays well and he wouldnā€™t have the job if it wasnā€™t for me so he cuts me a monthly check.