Looks like Carl opened a legit restaurant in NYC and left his ex wife with that shit Olive Garden level italian joint.

14  2019-06-09 by lawyerherelistenup

See Twitter. Guy fieri tweeted out and included a video. Looks like a nice place.


You won't see him on the Opie Radio podcast no more

Tits will be doing his podcasts from there just for the free food.

Opie fronted him the money no doubt. The opester is a restaurant mogul.

You know, I wouldn't be that surprised. The Opester is definitely white collar wealthy.

yes i just said that

cant fawking wait to go there next month and do a food review. the destroyer said it was the best pork chop he ever had. i'm just a little worried because the portion sizes look a little small.

Just order 2!

Can't keep ruizing on small portions for long.

I'm gonna be totally unironic here but his restaurant legit looks awesome and even tho he contributes to a garbage ex radio host podcast I think his chances to make the place work are really good. I actually have nothing against the guy and making a triple A restaurant after a divorce is actually a pretty impressive deal.