I didn't know where the new hideout was, so I just put "Joe Cumia" in Reddit search & found this place.

93  2019-06-08 by Doc_McCoyXYZ

Just a tip for next time.

Heads on swivels, lamb chops.


Hi Joe. Still sucking spit out of babys?

He coerces it out now.

That's not Joe. Doc is from the old sub.

That's ok. I did get a Joe type of reply

You're truly embarrassing and in dire need of attention.

I needed your attention so bad I didn't see this for 15 days. I wonder who would be butthurt by my comment? Hmmm

He is the bulls eye of obscurity. The north star of autistic refuge.

He’s so obscure that he broke through to the other side

We'll never truly be apart. Not as long as we have him.

This is how you will find any O&A related sub from here on. We are like the resistance for retards.


The interface is 2005, but it's perfect for a rally point because reddit can't shut it down.

Welcome to obscurity

someone posted this on another sub and it was downvoted to the bototm. would never have known otherwise