Getting a lot of weird phone calls and painfully unfunny pranks to my cell number which is odd because I hardly ever get calls and this all seems to have started after the Joe thing. So we’ve moved from doxing to harassment. Probably gonna switch to a new account that doesn’t use my real name.

57  2019-06-07 by bradthackerdox

Won’t stop emailing venues about Joe though. Last night I was thinking to myself “I emailed two venues and I’ll probably stop now” My cell ringing all morning and afternoon is making me change my mind.


What do the calls say?

Sensual mooing?

*Sensual ruizing?

I didn’t answer a lot of them cause at first I thought they were just spam calls but finally answered one and it was just “You suck dick” and dumb shit like that. At least be creative.

Next time have the good graces to let me finish before rudely hanging up.

I was saying " you suck cock, I suck cock = everyone wins "

Genuinely, I'd tell you if I was lying, just start chippin' them.

If I'm playing an online video game and some other dude starts trying to troll me, I just do Chip for 90 seconds and they have no clue what to do.

No I never sucked a dick that one time I promise

It's 45 seconds of HAHAHAHAHA YOU ADMITTED YOURE A FAG, followed by 45 seconds of panicking, and then they turn off their mics or ragequit. If there's one thing I'll always be thankful to Jim for, it's the ability to go Chip mode when the situation requires it.

This is the earlier form of Chip, though. Before he really evolved?

Just say the stupidest shit that pops into your mind in the Chip voice and give them nothing to work with. The closed mouth squeal out of the nose, is the technical term "chortle"?

But it's so fucking easy. Evolve like what am I am monkey or sumthin? I'm gonna - I'm gonna go see the dinosaurs and shit.

Hahahaha the last one is good there. Gonna go see the dinosaurs and shit.

Just start jerky boysin' them.

Post a couple of the numbers if theyre not blocked

Record some of them. Beige can use some new clips.

And youre 100% sure your father just didnt get a new phone?

Record them and then countersue for harassment

Is it carol squirting on the receiver?

It's slurping noises. We've trangulated the signal to a 'Big Apple Ranch' in NYC.

Are they calling from private numbers?

Is it robocalls and shit that someone might have signed you up for? Or is Joe's inner circle harassing you with numbers you can call back?

Joe and his entire herd are after this guy

Good chuckle from “herd”

Blocked numbers.

Head office set that up - nothing I can do about it.

Isn't there an option on your phone to not accept unknown/blocked numbers? I know there was one on my S5.

Yes there is.

He's probably mad the court cancelled his gig

Did they finally relent??

They did!

wha happen?

Please let the folks over at the Courthouse Center for the Arts know how you feel about this.

Pressing R to doubt.

Imagine being 60+ years old and spending all of your free time prank calling someone for revenge.

I mean let's not forget what we're doing to an old man here.

That's beside the point.

I know just pointing it out. Hypocrisy isn't a word we recognize.

He's supposed to be playing at the Hard Rock hotel tomorrow:

Someone call the hard Rock and say it's an emergency and his mom is sick.

Just call Joe back; that'll scare him.

I think his number is still on his website.

It's probably Fred from Brooklyn looking for some Cumia love.

Which venues canceled him?

Jim norton insisting everyone should be forced to use their real name on the internet is enraging.

Haha I was just thinking how much Joe is like Chris the hacker from his claims that everyone is a terrorist to dedicating his life to the futile effort of trying to sue the internet. Now he's responsible for prank calls the similarities are uncanny

This is the plaintiff, Joseph Cooomia

Fuck I’m so hard right now.

Please upload audio of the unfunny pranks

You never use your real name for places like this ya jerk