I’m sick of the negative attitudes

53  2019-06-07 by ParamoreFan69420

I’m piss drunk on Jim Beam and am 1000% certain this place will be here when the sun rises tomorrow. That is unless I die in my sleep 🤞🏻 but you faggots with your mopey “the sub will inevitably be shut down” can suck my dick. We will always adapt, improvise and overcome.


Jews will not replace us

Next sub needs extreme vetting. Private. No accounts that aren't already well known. If your old account was banned, provide proof.

But don't they flag subscribers to previous subs and check them against the ones in new subs?

Being a faggot mod actually does sound like a full time job these days.

Not all mods are idiots. Someone else said it already, but the original sub survived for years, and not because of that petulant slacker Spedge's efforts. Doesn't even reply to polite requests for a few minutes access to save some Pshops unrelated to him or his hang-ups; you think that's someone capable of facing an admin?

He doesn't have access. He demodded himself after he made it private. It's gone.

It's gone.

And we couldn't do nothing about it.

Fuckin A

Everybody knows me. Lefty from Mulberry Street.

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!


This sounds very gay.

You're a hypocrite. Mopey drunk baby.


"Be the funny you seek, don't wait around for other reddit brats to do all the funny jokes for you"
- Ghandi

Hey Joe! What are you doing up so early?

Sleep is for fags. r/cumtown for now

Nice Ghandi quote.


He is Ghandi Cumia.

May you choke on your own puke during your hangover, and have vague memories of getting gay with Joe last night during your drunken stupor

None of that happened. I bet you feel really stupid now!

Now as opposed to in general?

I'll get us a room on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay!

Hey Reddit, we're a virus, stupid.

I laugh everytime I open up reddit and realize that the sub is dead. I don't know why people care. There's always going to be a new one.