BroJoe: Redditors are bad because they're anonymous, and therefore cannot face real-life consequences for what they post on the internet. Also BroJoe: It is OK for me to lie about my social media posts to avoid consequences.

67  2019-06-06 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Credit to whoever drew this. I google image search for "joe cumia" to find a picture of him to accompany this post, and this gem was on the second page.

Don't ask me, I'm just a professional gambler

This was one of mine from the OG sub. I’m glad it’s still kicking around.

Nice rendering of Expressive Yellow Guy.

The world will be a better place once the Cumias are dead. They're both cowardly racists who talk tough and show off guns behind the safety of a screen, but break down completely as soon as any consequence-bearing conflict occurs. At Anthony's NY book signing, a home game, Joe couldn't hold his own against a generic leftist protester who knew next to nothing about Anthony. Anthony himself got his ass kicked by a black girl wearing a dress because he got caught trying to take voyeur shots of her, not to mention managing to destroy his million-dollar career in the process. Complete fucking losers.

Didn’t read past the first line and still upvoted.

well, hitler never killed any jews, so he's not a white supremacist, he just used words.

He still doesn't understand how archive works. It couldn't be simpler, but neither could he.

BroJoe: Haha, you can't ban all of my alt accounts!