Piece of shit Sam Roberts would actively stalk Steve’s social media. I know Steve had his own issues, but I wish that before he’d gone, he just grabbed Sam by the throat and put him through a window.

22  2019-06-06 by suirogerg


Sam is the kid in grade school that sucks up to jocks so he doesn’t get beat up by the weaker people he bullies.

I remember in "young sam" days Anthony would always call him out for being an asshole and shit stirrer. How did he get away with all that shit he pulled without a asskicking.

His parents

Ronnie B too. Only stopped when the runt was hired

I didn’t say it’d go on forever. I said the FORESEEABLE future.

Steve C actively prevented Pat Duffy from whooping Sam's faggot ass and Sam in turn tormented Steve C to the point where anyone with a shred of common sense can see that he was a factor in Steve C's suicide.

Sam really is the worst one of them all, and that’s saying something.

The cops would have been called the minute Sam was approached by Steve.

I have a real deep hatred for cop callers.

I'm with you on that. I remember the show when Danny with no qualms said the same thing to Steve.