
7  2019-06-05 by mrwhite9292


Nice job making a box office film that wasn't a 10th as good as the made for TV original, stupid.

Ages ago on the radioshow, joe derosa was discussing horror films and nana commented on a film being shit because he "didn't jump once". Fucking rube thinks jump scares are what makes for a good movie. Fuck him

So do most underage girls. It makes sense he often watches those kinds of movies.

He likes it when they cling to him for safety in the cinema so he can slide his hand into their underpants. Or so it has been alleged

If the photo he posted to Twitter of the passed out drunk girl with her panties pulled to the side is any indication, I'd say he prefers them to be unconscious first.

Before Maddox outed himself as a cuck he had a good article about jump scares being a shitty metric for horror movies.

Its absolutely cheap and lazy shit. I have done jump scares to every girlfriend ive ever had, sony should give me a 5 picture deal.

You kids like wrestling?