Hi Joe!

19  2019-06-05 by xterraroc


What person posts constantly all day? Not even a teen comes to reddit this much. If my father even knew what reddit was I would be ashamed. Most men Joe's age are enjoying retirement or planning for it, counting the days. He is a complete embarrassment.

Imagine when his kid is old enough and types “ Joseph Cumia “ ... embarrassing

I feel for that poor little girl... and the 3 other kids

He thought posting a few pictures, like Jim Norton as a worm, would ingratiate him to the sub, then he could use his new street cred to mind fuck us into thinking Joe was a decent guy or something. But he only made himself look more pathetic, which is probably the most effective angle because it's almost getting too sad to be funny at this point.

Laughing at Joeseph Cuuuuumia is a gift that will never get old.

It really is the karmic circle I make for you guys on a new account. Every. Single. Day. You're welcome. I'm not Joe.

First sentence admits to being Joe. Three quite retarded “sentences” later this is reinforced. Faggily demied in the next before a confusing Never was that makes no sense considering this account is only eight hours old.

Anatomy Of A Boomer Faggot.

Hey stupid, cats don't rule humans. Humans rule cats.

It's called animal domestication, look it up.

Dance for us Joe! Dance monkey! Dance!

i just made a post too, shoulda looked around first. Seems everybody figured it out in the matter of an hour. What a cocksuckign dipshit loser. JOE YOU ARE LITERALLY THE MOST PATHETIC PERSON I'VE EVER WITNESSED.

It’s embarrassing... I got home at 4 , on the bowl at 4:15, scrolled through 3 posts and already knew. He’s so set in his old man ways there’s no veering . It’s truly sad how the old boomer mind works.

he posts back to back, take a glance at like 3 posts and then one of his comments to tell. stupid simpleton steer.

i don't think that's joe.