Hey folks, can we all just leave Joe Cumia alone?

0  2019-06-05 by daveyistheman

I mean, hasn't he suffered enough? Don't we have something better to do?

Joe just wants to live a peaceful life where he can play guitar, make his wife squirt, visit the Ranch, leech off of his pedo brother, and drink child spit.

Don't lie. Any one of you would trade places with him in an instant. Joe is superior to all of you and his glorious life, and IQ, proves it.


I used to think that way, but keep in mind two months ago , the original sub had focused its energy mostly on Patrick and had kept the Joe posting to a relative minimum. Then he came back and took credit for getting both subs shut down, continually prods the sub and then is completely shocked that members took action of getting his gigs canceled. Many of us were likely ambivalent to Joe’s life , mostly seeing him as lolcow boomer and had nothing to do with his gigs getting canceled, with all his bullshit he’s likely turned most of the sympathetic members of the sub against him.

No. We have reached the tipping point.

The cow tipping point

Joe's dumb antics are the spice of life. Most of us celebrate him, like cows are revered in India. He's just gone way off track, searching for land mines to walk on. I don't know how that concept can be made any clearer to him.


A throwaway youtube comment on one of Beige's videos, I thinks.

No. Joe is an asshole and will never, ever rest. Ever.

When he dies (hopefully painfully and soon and in public so I can rewind and watch it again), I’m personally going to shit on every fucking thing I can...his memorial, his “loved ones”, anything associated with that leech. If they find a piano box to bury him in, I’m going to do really, really gross things on his grave. I’m laughing now thinking about disrespecting his memory.

You know why? For years, he proudly lorded his allowance over anyone who would listen and boasted about his “residuals”. He’s lived a life of sloth and ignorance and I have no patience or forgiveness for that. These people are scum and shall be treated as such by those of us who are better than them.

Up yours Joe, you bloated dumb cow 🐮.

I thought this might be Joe for a second, but you wrote in separate paragraphs.