Feeding Nana and the fog of war

14  2019-06-05 by Sueable

Anthony Cumia formerly of the opie and Anthony show and now head of compound media is an alt right podcaster. He’s openly admitted to wanting to sleep with children, he’s been caught buying gifts for children. Some of them turn out to be 40 year old He was arrested for domestic abuse, during the incident he is taped saying “you treat me like I’m a nigger in my own house.” Anthony Cumia has been connected to Sue Lightning (young looking tranny) it’s widely believed he bought her breast. During their intercourse she withdrew from inside him when he exclaimed “feed nana”. He has admitted to leaving his sick mother in the care of a brother joe and not seeing her once in the last five years of her life. He alleges that some women have called him sexy, and that he’s still hilarious. Never mention it to him as he loves sending people back to obscurity.



How many times a year do you copy and paste this a year stupid?

How many times have you said nigger.

Zero.... next

Then you need to get the fuck out of here your in the wrong place.

Nice “looks”, stupid.

Nice basic grammar and 2nd grade spelling mistake stupid.