I had an encounter with a fat girl at my pool while I was wasted, she sucked my dick. This girl is actually one of the ugliest humans alive. Problem is she lives in my building and my gf is coming back in two weeks.

1  2019-06-04 by tranthasourus

Any advice? suicide seems like the only option, which I’m sure would please you guys, but I’d like to stick around for a little longer.


This is disgusting. You’re a morally bankrupt soul who needs to repent before our Lord and beg his forgiveness. If not your soul will remain sullied and Lucifer will be along shortly to collect.

777 Hail Marys

I suggest you join r/OurLordnSaviourJC immediately and post a prayer for all of us to read so as to cleanse the filth you’ve traipsed through our minds.

I’m so ashamed I had to delete the post. I feel like absolute shit Jesus have mercy on me.

Hie thee away to a monastery. It's your only hope.