Remember when Anthony was following and liking those Vines of that girl who was like 11 or 12?

41  2019-06-04 by OpieEatsBoogers


No why don’t you explain it in detail.

......go on


Are you get 18 now or something?

Yes she had braces and it was creepy as fuck. When he got caught he tried to delete it all.

Care to comment Joe? I know you’re reading.

Yeah u/DOXXER100 you love to answer fans and have a back and forth on here...

What was up with your brother following and liking that little girl’s Vines and following her account? Then when people caught wind of it he deleted his whole Vine account? Really strange. Guess she was one of the people Anthony helps out from 8-80.

Anthony won't fuck up again soon, and he has his psycho prostitute helping monitor his social media. He's breaking ban evasion rules.

I do


He is smug on Twitter. He's collected enough followers to be shut down for ban evading again.

What's the appropriate and most effective reporting process?