
91  2019-06-01 by Mrmet2087


I'm just waiting for this whole thing to finally culminate in one of you fags pulling a Jack Ruby on Fatrick as he's leaving Hooligans. I'm gonna make so much money talking about this place on CNN

Go to r/cumtown

Why? They’re unfunny fags even without the chapo overlap.

You can never trust a man who can listen to Stravos laughs for countless hours of his life

Their entire gig revolves around just alluding to the word "nigger".

If they just said it, their entire "jig" is up.

So, let’s take it over?


In their comments they called us autists obsessing about Fatrick as if that's a bad thing.

Well I certainly won't be going there if they're going to be bullies.

It shouldn't even be possible for one or two people to bring down a subreddit of thousands of users.

Like I could go to some random subreddit tomorrow with a few thousand users and just decide to start spamming copyright claims and they'd probably shut it down before long. Most of this entire faggot site is just linking to copyrighted material.

Fuck it anyway, the new site is 500 members strong now and multiple people have already reported Joe's Twitter so it'll likely be gone before long. Stupid cow eyed fuck.

Dead on.

Reddit support is probably run by the cheapest Indian call center they can find. The supervisor tells Ramjaesh Panalagasshija to do the needful and shut down the sub and he does it.

It’s one step above having a robot doing it. But the robot would probably display more humanity.

Let's take over one of the old sidebar subs, any comedian one unless current famous, dr steves show , legion of skanks etc. Jew it up