Is this where she plans on committing suicide?

5  2019-05-30 by AlanSmithee23


Do you think she even knows a fraction of the shit we put Joe through?

There's a reason why she got rid of all of the pots and pans in the house and they only eat out.

I could only imagine the shit hole’s that they eat at.

When you imagine Carol Maxheimer's shit holes, imagine gallons of off-color fluid flying out of them

Sleeps next to a criminal but supports the NYPD... what a family of frauds.

Carol is from Selden. It’s one of the most white trash areas on Long Island.

Oh yeah skellden is a shit hole. Only second from Port Jeff station that Joe thinks is Port Jeff.

I’m on the border of PJS and east setauket. My section is really nice and quiet. The shitty part is near the train.

Setauket is really nice... every nice neighborhood especially in Suffolk borders a dumb. Someone has to do the shit jobs.

Spot on.

The bad areas aren’t even too bad, compared to the shitty parts of Brooklyn and Queens. I work for a utility company and have to go into Crimedanch and a few other bad areas. I’ve never felt unsafe in any of these areas.

Do you own a container, that you fill with coffee?

I do not. I don’t even drink coffee.

I do have an awesome under armour water jug.

I fill it with child spit on some days. Cum on other days. Depends on my mood.

Variety is the spice of life.

Hideous monster should be put down so the Deadite inside can be released.