About that sub takedown

11  2019-05-30 by Dr-ButtertitsMcGilly

Anyone else notice how the scorch sub went down within literally 5 minutes of opienanthonyxyz? This was clearly a highly sophisticated, technical and well coordinated attack on this community. And I can really only speak for myself, but I definitely blame the Jews. And by "Jews" I mean one slimy rat Jew in particular


Everywhere that loopy Jew goes he's nuthin but trouble. I enjoy his manic episodes, but his every appearance ends up a fiasco.

We should have listened to Uncle Adolf. Why didn't we listen??

Can someone actually reproduce or say what he said? Or are we stuck in a perpetual feedback loop?

Reminded me of 9-11

It was a national tragedy

I blame that tranny powermod.

Wtf even is a power mod

There are faggots that mod hundreds of subreddits.

That's gayer than George Michael showing a cop his cock and asking him to suck it

Gay as aids I believe is the term.

We’re like the jews who got shanghai’d after moses led them across the red sea.

Just shuffling from sub to sub. Looking for a safe place to call each other faggots.

Nigga, we need our Israel.

I blame that Jew David the intern

My David!? Sub wouldn't exist if it wasn't for my David!

Its like how we all knew as soon as the second plane hit that it was no fluke