JOE just dmca’d my post about his @theCUMIA twitter account showing what an idiotic loser he IS by tweeting that the account is actually nana’s through A coded message. It’s not a MASSIVE deal but i figured i’d let you guys know. Also, the British word for cigarette is FAG.

1  2019-09-05 by pashow84


I cracked the code!

The only way this ends is if Beige Frequency files a civil suit for lost income through illegitimate DMCA claims - which wont happen, but someone needs to prove damages and just end this - Joe Cumia has as much spare time as an entire subreddit with 1.6 members.

Joe isn't the only one behind all the DMCA reporting.

Since I'm linking everything on my site, I just reply to anything taken down with the same link. Take 1/100 the time it does to file a dmca.

I’d rather it not end. The past week or so has been hilarious.

JOE, the most famous and talented CUMIA brother constantly OWNS you redditard freaks daily. No one, adult or CHILD, can hope to contend with the constant revenge PORN he heaps on your dumb WEBSITES each and every single day! ON THE off-chance you any of you ever met him it would be a DARK day. Pray you never fall into Joey's WEB!

He probably thinks he's a hacker now.

Ctrl-Alt-Del libtard!!

Unless it ends with joe getting hauled into court and arrested. I’d prefer that.

It's so funny how Nana's crippling Twitter addiction has ensnared his meaty-breasted brother now.