Deleted Joe Bragging: The scam Iq test

39  2019-09-04 by Iguckfoats

The site in question is easily looked up ( ) this is a scam iq test site that will charge your card endlessly. Joe does not know this and to this day is probably getting his card charged. That wont stop him from making up a bunch of stupid lies though...

IntlectualHomosexual 1 points 5 months ago Self test. I’m being Honest about score and I know nothing of “standard deviation”. Why don’t you take this one and tell me what your score is. BE HONEST.

IntlectualHomosexual -15 points 5 months ago Swear on my daughter... I just took this and posted it honestly within the last hour. Same exact score I’ve always had.

IntlectualHomosexual -14 points 5 months ago I’ll pay close attention to anyone who takes it and posts their results honestly. It’ll cost you $1.98. Might be too steep for some of you to prove your superior cognitive skills over mine... and the rest of you are only anonymous cowardly dumbasses that I refuse to acknowledge at all. Let’s see someone kick my ass with this stupid test.... IT WON’T HAPPEN .. The end. I’ll check your progress in the AM. Bedways is rightways about now. Night night my li’l droogies


An IQ test with 20 questions.


James Hefner doesn't ever disappoint.

For his defense he thought writing his name made it 22 questions

He'd prefer to post this than be a good father

But all of his examples go totally against his argument.

linguistic acrobatics is this retard serious? Joe is the most long-winded of us all...

He scanned a thesaurus to try and make himself sound like he has a diverse vocabulary. Anytime we have seen him talk in person he is a mumbling fool.

Oh so so so so

stop "swearing on your daughter", dickcheese

it's the perfect way for a liar to make it seem like he's trustworthy

when in reality it's something that doesn't matter to him

You can always tell how smart someone is by how much time they spend convincing others of how smart they are.

I wonder if he's noticed the recurring charges from that scam site to his credit card.

> to this day is probably getting his card charged

That must irritate Anthony.

Not as much as the dried out egg in his butt

You can't get a GED in the fucking military

When people lie about their "IQ score" they typically choose a number like 122, as it's high enough to be impressive yet low enough to be believable. Everyone believes their "IQ score" is "above average" which, of course, is impossible.