"The eighteenth account has been hit. Your social media is under attack."

169  2019-09-01 by naked_militiaman


Those liberal treehuggers, get me my nypd shirt and border patrol hat.
I'm going back on air and giving the truth to white people. Fuuuck

“Reddit is the wooooooorrrrsssssst.”

"Wait wait Joe, I bet it was Sue Lightning who got my account locked, get it Joe? Just like on the Reddit.

I'm so self aware!"

Almost as bad as black people!


Instead of reading to children like Bush on 9/11, Anthony was fucking children when the news hit.

The best type of humor is truth

Always punch up and keep kicking them in the nuts.

And just like Bush, he continued even after receiving the news

He was out of it on Bud Light and Xanax. He hasn't had an erection since he bit that anorexic boy.

Ant's fruity "everything is great and I'm very happy" face fills me with the urge to take a shit.

That's his "my mother died but I haven't seen her for 5 years" guilt face

He's making the same face my boy does when he's shitting.


Continues making Platoon reference for the umpteenth time

Our intelligence suggests it's because you tweeted a photo of Kamala Harris as an ape.

This must be how Al Qaeda felt on that day. Being a terrorist must feel great.

He has an autographed Seinfeld pic that isn't even real. That's as sad as sad gets.


AntH is the embodiment of that meme of the dog sitting in the fire saying it’s all good

"shhh, I'm reading My Pet Goat to my date..."

Andy Card: America is under attack.

President Cumia: HA HA HA!!! HO LEE SHIT!!!!!