When will they ever learn?

131  2019-08-31 by redditsipowillsuck


nor did Hezbollah or Hamas...

David Duke follows the rules. Kind of fitting that the only people defending him now are the worst kind of conservative retards who have Israel flags in their profiles. This is where he belongs.

if you'd like to experience the bombing again: bitchute.com/video/29NWdEst1VTA/

I've never seen the entirety, it's too cringe. I have to turn it off after the first couple bombs.

Worse than Dresden.

That fat faggot was asking for donations for his insulin. But he subscribes to Anth’s public access shit.

Of course this fat, diabetic lump of shit is a QAnon cultist. Too busy falling for scams to pay for his own insulin. Someone needs to stomp him in the pancreas and finish him off.


Is it any surprise that the people who find Anthony Cumia relevant/ interesting have no understanding of the current world?

Tell me about it. This guy supports Israel.

AnthonyCumiaNY looks like a pretty nice lifetime ban evasion account.

Be a shame if something were to happen to it.

Hamas Hefner has an account!

OJ? David Duke? Hamas AND Hezbollah? Now I like twitter again.

Apparently Anthony's a big hit among those who believe the president is secretly speaking to them through a special code and pretending to be stupid as an elaborate feint.

Also those that go "I'm a tough guy and you can say anything... Except when it comes to the troops or Israel, our greatest ally"



Reported for personal and confidential information - again, this is a public tweet.

Joe must have been personally offended that his good friend David Duke was mentioned in this tweet.

Stroke out, fat boy. We'll dance on your grave.

Fucking boomer.

Big fat kikeroo

All the people named can actually adhere to the TOS. Shows what a piece of shit anthony is.