The sub reacting to its imminent banning

33  2019-08-30 by billdipshitbellamy


Is that a non-Jew in that small role? How generous of them.

Believe it or not Michael Richards isn't a Jew. That's also a reusable Gentile as well. Pretty sure it's the guy who plays the diner owner with the strong hand shake in Curb.

I'll be damned. Richard's is half Italian, served as a medic in the Army in the 70s and was HONORABLY discharged. Thanks.

Kind of shows in his character as well. Kramer is actually a pretty nice guy whereas the others are all aloof, anti-social and supercilious.

No argument here. 😉

"Seinfeld references are gold in 2019. Did you see Columbo?" - Anthony Cumia.

We should put the next sub in the main. sticky