"People" that intimidated tough guy JoeyH Cum.

80  2019-08-28 by Jim-sucks-shit


Heroes in their own right.

The Duh-vengers

Baby noises? Not here, hombre.

I hear fawkin baby noises

You used to be alright

Josh even came back to the sub and tried to defend Joe because he felt sorry for him after talking to him on the phone.

Then he died and Joe made fun of him.

So let that all be a lesson to you.

What is Joe offering these guys on the phone that they always bend over like Nana for Sue after the call?

I called him once and he offered to fly me out so we coukd talk over a coffee. With ants money I'm sure.

Pity. They pity him.

He grovels and is pathetic, instinct is to help him.

Who's the guy who are the Joker using his Kirby powers?

Josh Fonner.

Requiescat in pace

“Can I buy you a Starbucks?”

He also collects nudes of them on his computer.

You forgot Gene, the only fake Bono worthy of that title.

that one bitch at top right is so fucking hilarious. i’m so glad she was there & forever part of cumia lore now. you couldn’t have casted a better protester if you tried. i would buy her a gift card.

I'm gonna say it. That lady is not very attractive.

You mean people that humiliated Joe.

Who is the fat guy bottom right