If life was fair.

109  2019-08-27 by StentFeznor


never seen this one, i'd tell you if i had


Brand new.


Hate to admit it, but Norton isn't a bellow-mediocre comedian. Doesn't hurt my soul that he can make a living doing stand-up.

But his on-going radio career is an affront to god.

blink blink blink BIG CLIT AIDS TOE TRIGGER MEATY PUSSY blink blink blink wave arms twitch



Shit, sorry - that was a real line of his.

Someone thought it was topical because of Kaepernick and Jim had to explain that it was a joke about oral sex.

Which is stupid because it's a play on the phrase "standing room only" but it takes more room to kneel than to stand. So if you have kneeling room you also have standing room.

Anyway he didn't explain the joke, he only alluded to it, because there's no set up and no punchline.

He was just daydreaming about sucking cocks when his manager asked him what to call his tour.

Norton sucks and you do too.

ADDICTED TO ENEMAS.. Silence, wait for them to get the punch line, whacky face

Norton isn't a bellow-mediocre comedian

This is an absurd take. If not for his radio career, no one would have ever cared about him and he wouldn't have any of his specials. His jokes are the lamest, one-note pieces of shit over and over and he's completely off-putting to look at on-stage. As Colin once put it, about Jim's new special, "I thought it was even better when you did the same jokes as last time again but different" (pataphrasing).

I ate some food. I have real gassers this morning! (Proceeds to over emphasize everything)

Even when I was listening to the show, I never thought monster rain or any of his standup was funny. He was fucking hilarious on the radio but never on stage IMO

There but for the grace of Dice go he.

Soda?!?! I’m an addict!

His awful porcupine fro is perfect here

*When getting Coffee* Just put mine right here right?! *slaps inside of arm* HAHAH

Jim would need help dragging out a single pallet from the back.

"What? I wasn't in the panty section. I was just walking to the canned soup aisle."


We all do. We wouldn't be stuck in this godless purgatory cycle if we had lives.

I just imagine him squinting when he says: "but if you cross me".

"Toast"? Was that Jim's name when he was in The Lords?

I thought he worked at Bradlee's... even worse than Walmart.