
76  2019-08-20 by AmberBeard


Thank you for your service.

The original™


didn't he make a baby with Jay Leno?


The face of the man who orchestrated 9/11.

Oy vey

And he got the girl.

Likes fatties


Mayim Bialik looking ass

I listen to legion of skanks and he's pretty fuckin good

Yeah well you listen to Legion of Skanks, so you clearly have terrible taste.

Come on dude it can be pretty funny

I watched it once, it was hilarious!

Gomez said nigger.

Smith made some smart assed comment no-one understood or laughed at.

The other fat guy was into more visual comedy and was dressed up like a big, fat, chain wearing clown.

Nigga's ribs was hurtin.

Sounds like you caught a good episode

That promo he did for his special putting on his sunglasses is the most punchable thing on this earth.

“The government has too much power, maaaan!”


Did you use 3rd party image hosting site or upload the picture directly to reddit?

The chip podcast stinks and he was right to get his wife away from creepy Norton.

As big as a shitstain as this guy is, your point is quite valid

Wrong. Norton is an invertebrate, he wouldn't have done anything except leer. I would have encouraged her to lead him on if she was my gf

I was thinking about this exact same thing, when LOS was on Rogan.

He def did the right thing, by pulling her out of that hack babynoise prop-comic shitshow of unfunny faggotry.
And he's not unbearable to listen to either. Laid back and relaxed. I can't lie, I didn't hate him on there.
I have hated him viciously in the past and posted many "Faggot" posts featuring his dumb face.

He's def still a faggot and he's a "libertarian that wants to be free maaaaaan", so maybe he still deserves to be skinned alive, but I'm not as dead certain as I used to be.


Jew is bad enough no need to call him a Faggot.

He got the girl tho