Joe Cumia Sr. abandoned his family and moved cross country to California where he got fucked in the ass by Mexican cowboys. Ro Cumia was a giant slut that banged boys half her age and free-based coke with her children.

73  2019-08-18 by Jim-sucks-shit

Traditional family values.


Imagine smoking crack with your mom and then leaving the whore to die alone for 5 years because you want to drink, slam Xanax, beat your girlfriend and get fucked by a tranny.

Haha holy shit, ain't it fun!

Don't forget playing online video games worse than anyone ever has in history.

FPS controller: plugged in

Back angle: 45 degrees

Spectacles: on

Yeah, it's gamer time!

all of you got a nigga ribs hurtin

And the other Cumia niglet spends his days on his Obamaphone battling redditards.

A real role model.

Them Kumyias are classy people I tell ya

intelligent as well

Ro still seems like the only cumia who made it out okay. i would want to forget my life too if my children were as worthless & queer as anthony & joe. he spared her his presence if anything

After a worthless life of being a "go-go dancer" (whore) and sucking cock on the side to make rent, not to mention squeezing out three children from a deabeat then having to rear them alone.

And they are the Cumia success stories

Say something bad about Sal.

Oh wait, he's fine, not blood related, just some old Guinea.

OHHH!. (loud Italian exclamation)

Ro banged dudes half her age. Do tell... or share the clip.

All true things

If Joe Sr. was a good father, he would have held a pillow over the face of his 2 sons. At least noted good father, Chris Benoit, had the dignity and self-respect to take his child with him into death.