Joseph Cumia's other airplane BADASS hat incident (reposting for posterity)

116  2019-08-17 by Richard_C_Power


Fucking great.

I just went on a little reposting spree of some shit I made on a now-deleted account. Made 3 threads of my best stuff.

The Edge’s comment is fucking awesome. I didn’t see this until now. TYFYS.

This is amazing.

One of my favorite from the old sub

this got a niggaz ribs

“See this, means child spit allowed”

A while back I thanked him for his service and asked what he did in the Army. All he said was "radio operator" and that's it. Pretty vague for someone proud of their service.

Nice hat, stupid.

I also just noticed the comment from “Expressive Black Guy” have me howling today brotherman